It was essential for us to partner with a provider to help us support our interns. We looked at the market to see who could assist us, and it was clear that Readygrad were leaders in the graduate recruitment space. They developed and tested a few different graduate recruitment models, and we liked their innovative approach. Importantly, there was a great cultural alignment between Vicinity and Readygrad; they understood our business quickly and what we needed to achieve with our internship program - a no-brainer!

General Manager - Organisational Development - Vicinity Centres

Empowering graduate development.

Our approach to graduate retention focuses on personal growth and understanding your organisation. We have crafted bespoke training and engagement initiatives that cater to the unique development needs of each individual - and the entire cohort – with skills targeted to their stage of the journey.

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Readygrad creates an employer-branded training and coaching ecosystem, delivering initiatives during the offer-to-start and induction period.

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Allows the employer to continually reinforce their messaging and the importance of individual development.



We develop content centred around the development of the individual and their transition from academia to the workplace.



Blended professional development programs that are designed to equip graduates for success which compliments on-the-job learning.

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Our initiatives can be tailored in consultation with your organisation to include employer, industry and role-specific content.

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Employer touchpoints are built-in throughout, allowing you to share experiences, showcase projects and roles, explain company culture and deliver project activities.

30 K+

Students helped with employability

6 K+

Employer connections across Australia

10 +

Years of graduate employability experience


Google review stars with 160+ reviews

Partner logos

Whether launching or refining an early career program, we can be your strategic partner in consulting, designing, and delivering graduate talent initiatives.

Comprehensive and targeted graduate retention program.

We place great emphasis on understanding the unique characteristics of your offered graduate cohorts and the environment in which they operate. Through meticulous analysis of your requisites and aspirations, we create an inventive graduate retention strategy tailored to accomplish your business objectives.

Stage one

We develop the right program with you

We consult with you regarding program design including frequency and employer touchpoints.

Stage two

Pre-employment training and preparation

After offer acceptance, we interact with your graduate cohort by delivering an agreed professional development program.

Stage three

Graduates commence with well defined skills

Graduates enter the workplace with practical job-ready skills and continue their development through the induction stage.

Stage four

Increase your connection and retention

Extend the on-the-job learning experience by delivering critical skills sessions, social interactions and coaching at key milestones.

Our partners

We work with thousands of partners, ranging from SMEs to Fortune 500 companies and leading universities.

Ready to get started?

Lean On Australia’s Leading Graduate Employability Specialist. You don’t have to do it alone, contact us today.

More graduate talent solution approches.

Frequently asked questions.

Have any questions about graduate development and retention strategies? Here are answers to some of the most common queries.

What are the benefits of using Readygrad to maximise our business graduate retention?

Readygrad offers a comprehensive development and retention strategy targeting post-offer graduates, enabling businesses to optimise their retention rates.

These programs strongly emphasise positive engagement, providing graduates with the necessary training and support to excel in their roles.

One of the key advantages of partnering with Readygrad is the potential for heightened job satisfaction and morale among graduates. This, in turn, fosters a greater work ethic and contributes to elevating retention rates.

Readygrad's programs are strategically designed and aligned with an organisation's overall talent strategy. This strategic alignment significantly enhances the likelihood of sustained success in graduate retention.

Moreover, an effective onboarding process can improve new hire retention and productivity. Through tailored onboarding programs, graduates experience a smoother transition into full-time work after university, addressing their specific needs and bridging any skill gaps.

How does Readygrad help organisations understand their graduate post-offer cohorts?

Readygrad specialises in assisting companies in the post-offer graduate development and retention stage. We excel in providing customised strategies for nurturing and retaining graduates, which have consistently proven successful in today's ever-evolving corporate landscape.

By conducting a comprehensive analysis of our business partners' values and graduates' goals, needs, and aspirations, Readygrad identifies individual strengths, growth areas, and unique requirements. This invaluable insight enables organisations to maximise the potential of their talent pool.

With our innovative and insightful strategies, Readygrad equips organisations with a competitive edge in effectively nurturing, developing, and retaining exceptional graduates.

How does Readygrad approach graduate retention to foster a dynamic learning experience?

At Readygrad, we foster a dynamic learning experience that encourages a transformative shift in thinking and promotes graduate retention.

Through innovative and forward-thinking approaches, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance to empower graduates as they embark on their professional journeys.

Our focus is on nurturing talent, fostering growth, and equipping graduates with the skills and knowledge needed for long-term success in their chosen fields.

What training and engagement initiatives do Readygrad offer businesses for their post-offer graduates' development and retention?

Readygrad is a leading provider of tailored development and retention strategies for post-graduate cohorts, working closely with businesses to achieve remarkable outcomes.

These carefully crafted strategies go beyond conventional approaches, aiming to maximise retention through positive engagement and equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the workplace.

One of Readygrad's proven strategies revolves around the implementation of 'keep warm' initiatives during the crucial post-offer stage.

This innovative approach is specifically designed to sustain the candidates' interest and unwavering commitment from the moment they receive the job offer to their official start date.

By nurturing their excitement and fostering a sense of belonging, we ensure that they enthusiastically accept their role and remain dedicated throughout their journey with the organisation.

At Readygrad, we understand the significance of retaining the best talent and creating a seamless transition into the professional realm. By providing comprehensive support and guidance during this critical period, we empower both businesses and individuals to thrive and succeed.

Let us help you unlock the full potential of your post-offer cohorts and build a strong foundation for long-term success.

How can Readygrad help businesses with their post-offer graduate cohorts excel and thrive in their new roles to improve retention?

Readygrad takes a comprehensive and strategic approach to empower businesses in nurturing and elevating their post-offer graduate cohorts, resulting in enhanced job retention.

Our highly effective development and retention strategies, expertly implemented during the critical post-offer stage, aim to sustain the interest and commitment of successful candidates, enhance their acceptance of the role and ensure a seamless transition into their newfound positions.

With our multifaceted approach, which includes personalised mentorship, industry-specific training, and ongoing support, Readygrad significantly improves the development and long-term retention of highly talented graduate professionals within businesses.

By providing this level of detail-oriented and tailored guidance, we ensure that businesses can fully capitalise on the potential of their post-offer graduate cohorts, setting them up for long-term success and growth.